4Culture Rebranding

How might I create a new website experience that honors 4Culture's commitment to strengthening King County’s vibrant cultural presence?



4Culture is a nonprofit funding agency that provides funds for artists and organizations in support of arts, culture, heritage, and historic preservation in King County, Washington. With a focus on racial equity, 4Culture’s mission is to make art accessible to all and strengthen King County’s vibrant cultural presence by providing funds, resources, and connections to artists and arts organizations.

4Culture rebranding project view

Project Type

Visual Design

My Role

Visual Designer
UX Designer


Solo Project


3 months
Sept 2021 - Dec 2021


Vibrant, Fun, Uplift


Preferred Approach & Variant

The logo is the face of the brand and represents the artistic branding, the four core programs 4Culture serves, and the vibrant community that it cherish. The preferred approach is to use the logo and word-mark together so it shows the build brand awareness. The logo can also be used with a white background, and with a colored background.

Grid System

Website, Mobile & Poster

12 column grid
margin: 48px, gutter: 24px

6 column grid
margin: 24px, gutter: 8px

8 column grid
margin: 24px, gutter: 24px


The Thinking Behind Color Choices

Our color palette is warm, inviting, and vibrant. Sea Buckthorn is the primary color of our brand, and the tangerine tango is the color we use to add a pop of fun and to put focus on call-to-action items. At the same time, we are toning down the bright colors by pairing them with softer beige, pink and blue.


Native app for monitoring and supervision during the date


After the user has seen the various uses that can benefit her in the use of our product we will ask her to identify as a woman to protect the purity of the product and to raise in her a sense of security.

Background Check

To motivate the user to use the app, we will lead her to run a background check on one of the guys she is communicating with. Checking the background can empower the value we offer - a sense of security and control - knowledge is power.

Date Entry

While entering the date data the app gathers all the information needed to provide the user with the protection she needs. The step will be broken down into several steps to reduce the effort required from the user which will also help to focus her at every step.

During the Date

During the date, the app will send alerts according to the settings we set on the "date entry".


To collect information that will be useful to our users, at the end of each date the user will be asked to report the date. We will make sure at this point to lower her concerns by security stamp and noting the fact that the information she is providing remains confidential.


Typography & Hierarchy

Playfair Display and Lato are the typefaces for 4Culture. Playfair Display is great to use for titles and headlines. The high-contrast strokes of Playfair Display emphasize the artistic expression of our brand. To use in combination, the sans serif font, Lato, is great to use for body text. The semi-rounded letterforms with strong structure give Lato a feeling of warmth, but at the same time provide a bit more stability and seriousness.

Left: for website; Right: for print.


Images & Icons Choices

Our photography focuses on the vibrant work our grantees accomplish, the diverse members of our community, and the achievement we celebrate. Important features of our photography include artists' artwork, object details, and exhibition spaces with a lighter color tone.

Icons are mainly used in the footer section to indicate social media platforms. All icons should be in the simple outlined form to match the line art design.

Final Design

Website Homepage & About Page

Mobile Homepage
